The artistic journey investigates the usefulness of the useless and invites us to re-evaluate reality by going beyond the commonly defined criteria of pure utility as measure of value. Wine, like emotions, while not a primary need, is an essential part of the beauty and goodness of life.

Pasqua Wines, Verona-based winery that is a worldwide ambassador of prestigious Veneto wines, renews its connection with the art world by participating for the first time as a protagonist in ArtVerona, a leading trade fair for the support and promotion of the Italian art system.
The link between Pasqua Wines and digital contemporary art is an alliance going back many years. From the bucolic vision of an Arena di Verona that flourished again during the lockdown – through the eyes of Timo Helgert – to the power to record the sentiment of the world of AMYGDALA. n – the installation created by Fuse* for the façade of Palazzo Maffei Casa Museo during Vinitaly 2022 – the Veronese winery continues to invest in dialogue and collaboration with Italian and international creative talents.
For ArtVerona, a exhibition dedicated to contemporary art, Pasqua Wines once again invites the artists’ collective NONE to create a new artistic project on commission. There have been many opportunities for collaboration with the artists from Rome in recent years, including Falling Dreams, a work presented at BASE Milano and at the Gallerie Mercatali in Verona, considered by critics among the most important immersive installations of 2021. After designing installations for the Santa Giulia Museum, Cavallerizza Reale in Turin and BASE Milano, to name the most recent, NONE collective returns to Verona with an exhibition at Palazzo del Capitanio, a historic building under renovation that will be temporarily open to the public for the occasion.
With the transmedia exhibition SUPERFLUO, the artists encourage reflection on the usefulness of the useless and on what is really necessary, because it is often unremarkable things, apparently useless, that make us happy. The installation seeks to overcome preconceptions and offer an incentive to reconsider the concept of superfluous.
The usefulness of the useless stems from the awareness that man is nourished by emotions, and it is these which most characterize his humanity.
The superfluous is everything that gives meaning to the moment, to the here and now, what makes existence pleasurable. Like wine, art flows into our unconscious and reaches a deeper level of reason – feeling.
Logic is not enough, there are no objective parameters to measure emotion. Usefulness, meaning and purpose are not sufficient to explain humanity. Emotions, knowledge, art, luxury are a necessity that begins when the necessary ends. And so, we are appreciating the ephemeral, the useless, the superfluous.
Wine shares universal linguistic and social codes with art that speak of beauty and the good things in life. In particular, contemporary immersive art solicits the collective emotional and sensory experiences of the public, likewise the world of wine, where the social component of sharing the experience is intrinsic to the tasting itself.
To reinforce the evocative value of the installation, the artists have chosen to play with the ambiguity of the meaning of the word SUPERFLUO, translating the message they want to share with the public into a vision with maximum luminosity.
The exhibition unfolds along a path through two rooms of the Palazzo del Capitanio. A first space welcomes the visitor and introduces the theme of the exhibit through the exhibition of works and videos generating iridescent super-fluids. In the next room, the visitor will enter a site-specific artistic installation. The immersive work utilises multi-projection to populate the ceiling vaults with bioluminescent organisms while the central area of the room will be occupied by a hemisphere with which a laser light will interact to evoke wine among the superfluous worlds. The installation will force us to abandon traditional visual and auditory points of reference and immerse ourselves in an imaginative and superfluous world and experience the oxymoron of the usefulness of the useless.

Riccardo Pasqua, CEO of Pasqua Wines: “We are honoured that None responded to our invitation to return to Verona to create a new message during a prestigious exhibition like ArtVerona. The desire to create and excite belongs as much to art as it does to wine. In their new artistic project, I see the imaginative and evocative expression of the values contained in our wine. Art uses universal linguistic codes to overcome barriers where all other languages have failed; it stimulates us toward an increasingly open horizon beyond the limits of usual actions. We recognize ourselves in this too. We are The House of The Unconventional. There was no better way to express our vision of creativity and innovation.”
The press vernissage (by invitation) will be held on 12 October at 19:00, then the exhibition will be open to the public from 13 to 15 October, with free admission.
Vernissage 12 October 19:00 – 22:00 (by invitation only)
13 – 15 October 2023
Palazzo del Capitanio, Verona, Entrance from Piazza Indipendenza
from 11:00 to 22:00